Saturday, January 17, 2009

"Looking Back..."

Greetings all, hope you're doing well as you read this post. While I was home recently I was going through some old journals and notebooks and came across the journal that we kept as a team for the mission trip to the Dominican Republic in July of 2005. As I read through the entries from different team members, I came finally to the last entry and was surprised to realize that it was mine, I had long since forgotten writing it. But as I read, what I wrote then seems so relevant to the way I still feel today. So I want to share it with you…hope you enjoy :-)

Sunday, July 17, 2005
"…It's hard to know where to begin when reflecting back over the week, but as we fly over the green patchwork of the Dominican Republic I am struck by the view. Through the clouds I catch glimpses of fields leading into forested foothills which in turn lead into actual mountains. And over it all, above the ocean and hills and sea of clouds, the sun shines down, giving warmth and light, illuminating the dark places and stimulating growth and life. All this beauty (in addition to how we've spent the last week) draws my mind to God's abounding love and grace. Just like the sun light pouring down, God showers us with His love, even when the clouds seem to cover it, His love is always there. This week has been such an amazing time not only to show God's love to the people of the Dominican Republic, but also to receive His love and grace through the very people we came to serve. As a "seasoned" mission trip participant, I would half expect to be used to this by now, yet somehow I am always surprised and feel a sense of wonder at the way God works in and through people.
Through all the thoughts and feelings fighting for space on this page, one word keeps coming to mind: grace. The simplest definition I have heard of grace describes it simply as "getting something you don't deserve". Did we deserve to show and be shown God's love? Was there something we did that somehow earned us the wonderful experience we just had? No, of course not… 'For it is by grace you have been saved,' and as the worship song says, 'freely I've received, now freely to give.'
I know that in the future I will look back at this past week and remember many things. Some memories will fade, only to be brought back by looking at pictures, while others will require no photos to jog them. I think the images of the Project Child Orphanage will be burned into my mind for a very long time. No camera could capture the joy contained and shared in the smile of one boy in particular.
Well, by now I'm sure you get the picture…I've rambled on and waxed poetic long enough. I think the best I can say is: WOW! What an indescribable gift! In closing I leave you with a prayer/song that has been sung at countless family dinners and church services in my life:
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him all creatures here below,
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen!"

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