Saturday, January 10, 2009

"A Breath of Fresh Air"

Okay, no sense trying to deny or make's been way too long since I've updated. Sorry about that, but the good news is, I'm updating right this very minute! That's gotta be exciting!

The past five months have been pretty crazy busy for me. In September I started a three-month long course at the base here in Ghana. (That is I attended the course, not that I ran it) As those of you who read my last post know, around that time I was feeling some growing discontent with the status quo, and a real desire to be challenged and pushed to change. Well, that is exactly what I got in this course, three months of intensive challenge and growth. I'm not going to go into too much detail here for the sake of time and space, but it was an amazing time of re-evaluating, and then stretching, my comfort zones.

So, that course ended on December 6th, and Ghana held their elections on December 7th...and I flew back to the States on December 8th. My arrival in Michigan was followed quickly by a whirlwind of activity including speaking to the senior high Bible classes at my old high school only two days after I arrived. The flurry of activity continued right through the holidays and on till January 5th when I boarded a plane to come back to Ghana. (By the way, I discovered some time ago that it just isn't possible to see all the people you hope to see and do all that you hope to do during a one month visit home...there's just not enough time...unless you give up sleep that is)

But now that I'm back in Ghana, a different flurry of activity is getting ready to commence. There's a lot of work to do to catch up for the past few months when my attention has been focused elsewhere, but the thing I'm most excited about getting going on is the work with the elderly in Tema and Ashaiman. As some of you know, this is a project that we've been talking about getting off the ground for a long time now, but for a while there we weren't getting much in the way of help from the local Social Welfare office (a main source for finding those senior citizens who might need assistance). But the great news is that in the last month, the people at Social Welfare have started calling asking when we want to get started because they're all set and excited to see this ministry started! Really exciting news for me, and I can't wait to start, which will be next week with a trip to the Social Welfare office.

There are of course, many other projects going on right now, but in the interest of space and time, I'm going to cut this short now, and promise to write another post before the end of the month. By the way, thanks to everyone who was so encouraging to me while I was in Michigan, it was really great seeing everybody and I wish I had more hours in the day so I could have spent more time with everyone...
Love you all!

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