Sunday, December 02, 2007

A day in the life...

"Now to God, who is able to do immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen" Ephesians 3:20-21

It has been brought to my attention(many, many, many times) by none other than my dear mother, that I haven't updated in a looooong time. I wish I had some great excuse, but I have just gotten busy and suffer from that age-old illness of the dreaded "writer's block" at times. It has also been brought to my attention that there may be some (or many) at home who aren't clear on what it is that I do here besides work on my tan ;-) I would also like to apologize for that lack of clarity on my part. Don't have a lot of time today, so this post is going to be short, but I just want to give you a rundown of things I typically do on a daily or weekly basis.
-write letters/e-mails to supporters of YWAM Ghana
-type sermon/lecture notes
-edit papers/journal entries for School of Communication students (not part of my official job description, but still surprisingly fun)
-go to orphanages, bringing donations, taking pictures, getting swarmed by kids (I'm getting better at carrying multiple kids at a time)
-speak to Junior High kids at the Christian school run by YWAM Ghana
-occasionally give tours of the base
-take part in hospitality for the base
-get invited to and sometimes take part in children's ministries in the area

There's more that I do...and I'll try to elaborate more in the future, but as I said I don't have much time today and I'm trying to make my mom happy by updating :)

On a final note I would just like to send out belated Thanks to some people in honor of Thanksgiving:
To Mom, for being a driving force
To Dad, for encouraging me
To Matt, Sarah and Noelle, for being part of my life for the last 26, 22 and 20 years
To Kristy, for being my new sister
To Grandma V, for writing such wonderful letters
To Jesse W, for putting me on your blogroll, I'm very honored
To Lori, for being my second mom and missing more than just my cheesecakes :-)
To Ronni, for being my mentor (don't know if I ever told you how much I appreciate all our times over various meals, I love you!)
To Ash, for coming here to visit. Don't have words to respond to that
To Bonnie, because I love you and miss you
To all those who are supporting what God is using me to do here. God bless you so much for your generosity, I cannot express how much it means to me
To all those who are praying for me, as always, I am a frail human being and if I ever claim that I don't need your prayers, it only means I need them much more than before.
To anyone I have left out, I'm sorry, but please know that for me to be ableto say thanks to everyone would require a much longer blog and more time in the cafe than I have today. I love you all, and miss you, but I pray that in my absence God will bless you all beyond your expectations.
