Tuesday, July 24, 2007

"That OLD"

"It is so comic to hear oneself called old, even at ninety I suppose!"~Alice James

"People like you and I, though mortal of course like everyone else, do not grow old no matter how long we live...[We] never cease to stand like curious children before the great mystery into which we were born" ~Albert Einstein

Well, one more year officially under my belt. When I was in Mexico this year, an adult in one of the groups heard that I would be turning...dare I say it?...26 years old. Her response was along the lines of "She doesn't look that old!" Now, I think I can justifiably have two responses to this statement. #1-'Thanks, glad to look younger than I am' :) and #2- 'Is 26 old? Since when?' Having said that, I want to add that I don't feel old, except for when my joints start aching and I realize just how old my niece and nephew are :) My goal is now simply to live up to "another year older, another year wiser" rather than the alternative.

As you have probably guessed, I returned from Ghana at the beginning of June. The last month and a half has just been a whirlwind of activity. Two short weeks after arriving from Ghana I flew down to Mexico to spend two weeks volunteering with Faith Ministry (Ministereo de Fe), building houses. following that I was at home for a little over a week and then took part in the Westminster Presbyterian mission trip to Detroit. Now I am firmly entrenched with no plans for future travel for the time being--for the next 20-something days anyway--and have taken up employment at a hotel here in Ann Arbor working in the laundry to put a little bit of money in my pocket.

I assume that the many astute readers out there will have noticed that I imply that I will be traveling beyond the 20-something day range...this is not only an implication, it is fact. I think I have mentioned in earlier posts that there was a possibility of my plans changing and that I might be returning to Ghana. Well, my plans did in fact change and I will be returning to Ghana on August 26th for an indefinite period of time... This time I will be on staff with YWAM Ghana getting to take part in a few different ministry opportunities. There will potentially be: a soup kitchen, weekly visits to a school to do evangelism type puppet shows and the like, computer work a couple of times a week in the office (apparently I have mad skills on the computer), helping to arrange apprenticeships for single mothers, and working with orphanages. I'm really excited about all these different areas, but the one that I'm most looking forward to is the work with orphanages. Over the past year I think God has really been opening my eyes to the needs of those in our world who are least able to protect, defend and fight for themselves--children. I think that God is preparing me for some sort of ministry to children, and my hope is that whatever areas God takes me to I'll be able to convey his love to those around me.

While I don't have a definite end date in sight for my service in Ghana, I do know that I will be coming home mid-April of 2008 for a short visit. I am still seeking God's guidance and direction for the next step after Ghana, but right now I'm trying to focus on balancing between making plans and leaving things in God's hands and just learning to be ready when He tells me to move.

As always I appreciate your prayers and support. This final month home is going to be a very busy one for me, between working and raising financial support and trying to fit in as much time with family and friends as possible, I'll barely have time to think, but by the grace of God, I can do all things!

Grace and Peace to you!